dLRN15 Presentations and Conversations

Various Tweets from my presentations and conversations at dLRN15

  1. Customizable Modalities for Individualized Learning: Examining Patterns of Engagement in Dual-Layer MOOCs

    Various tweets from this presentation
  2. Great talk by @JTDellinger & @grandeped on MOOC design. No one is more innovative in MOOC design than these two. #dlrn15 @LINKResearchLab
  3. @grandeped I'm tired of people arguing xMOOC v cMOOC-dual layer does both at same time #dlrn15

  4. My Theory Can Whip Your Theory: The Ontological Smackdown to End all Ontological Smackdowns

    Various tweets from our collaborative presentation.
  5. If you are not at Stanford for #dlrn15, my video for the Ontological Theory Smackdown is at Vimeo  https://vimeo.com/142430386 
  6. sarcasm warning as we open "My Theory Can Whip Your Theory - the Ontological Smackdown" at #dLRN15 :)
  7. #dlrn15 @Bali_Maha re: curriculum theory - what's planned vs. what occurs. focus on content, outcome, process &/or critical approach #dlrn15
  8. smackdown - @whitneykilgore throws herself on the mercy of the court as the loser straight from the get-go. #dLRN15
  9. finally. only been waiting 20 yrs, kids. @RMoeJo defines postmodernism in 3.5 minutes... #smackdown #dLRN15
  10. brilliant. @RMoeJo's creative use of music history on a given date illustrating pomo perspectives. #dLRN15
  11. "in ed, pomo rejects the idea that ed is broken & tech can get us back: tech is not a space to free ppl from shackles of oppression" #dLRN15
  12. maybe ed is not about the idea of emancipating ppl from the shackles of society...maybe it IS the dominant paradigm? @RMoeJo #dLRN15
  13. @bonstewart No but it can be a tool to unlock those shackles...or build new ones #dlrn15
  14. So @grandeped notes how metamodernism comes from idea Postmodernism is dead. My critique, as the postmodernist, was it ever alive? #dlrn15
  15. @jgmac1106 if i understand @RMoeJo, even where ed unlocks it tends to create new shackles b/c it operates along narratives of truth. #dLRN15
  16. @Profpatrice @grandeped yes. unpicking, moving beyond binaries has been a theme of many #dlrn15 discussions.
  17. Good point @Bali_Maha! It all depends on the context which you are in. #dlrn15
  18. Yes, we always come from our own lens. Recognizing this is the first step in openness to other learners? #dLRN15
  19. I'm starting to appreciate this concept of meta-modernism, particularly in the context of #dlrn15 cc @grandeped
  20. The video I referenced in my #dlrn15 session on truth over Pragmatism over Zeal  https://vimeo.com/142430386 

  21. Other Random Tweets and Conversations
  22. The cool thing about #dLRN15 is running into a larger percentage of people that have actually heard of your work :)
  23. We question if new ideas are ready for public consumption, but then default to Blackboard, which is definitely not ready at all. #dlrn15
  24. We need more crying at our conferences. We're just not humanizing enough until we get more actual emotion. #dlrn15
  25. 80s Michael Jackson impersonator party on University in front of the pizza place! #dlrn15
  26. And now the Michael Jackson impersonator is lip syncing to Jump by Van Halen... while dressed as Jackson. Pure. Awesomeness. #dlrn15
  27. I wore my Blackborg shirt in honor of #dlrn15. Should have also brought my "Keep Calm and let the ID Handle it" one  https://twitter.com/JTDellinger/status/655222574897430528 
  28. As we humanize our education, we will also have to make room for the emotion that comes with that to be okay. #dlrn15
  29. We are the LINk Lab! We eat stress for breakfast! Thankfully it's not breakfast time... #dlrn15
  30. Uh oh - the concept of failure slips back in. Education and life are really not that simple. Failure/success not black and white! #dlrn15
  31. Only a Canadian would apologize for other people not hearing about them :) #dlrn15
  32. @grandeped reading thru #dlrn15 posts to add to polyphonic post-conf bundle, so far your reaction seems closest to my own @JeffreyKeefer
  33. I'm kind of profoundly pleased and perplexed that we made it through a whole conference without one mention of Vygotsky. #dlrn15
  34. Okay, so I was wrong about Vygotsky, but I don't think anyone at #dlrn15 mentioned "disruption" in a positive light, right?
  35. @grandeped you know I didn't hear disruption once at #dlrn15...and I was counting buzzwords in hopes of developing drinking games...
  36. @GoogleGuacamole I was wrong about "no one mentioning Vygotsky at #dlrn15", @gsiemens pointed out that actually *I* mentioned him :)
  37. Someday I would love to see a conference with a bunch of unknown keynote speakers. We let popularity drive the narrative way too much.
  38. @grandeped you've used your allotment of good ideas for today. Close your laptop. You'll make the rest of us look bad.